The Glaze Mystery..

Porcelain Sui glaze Jar
When I first started working with ceramics I thought glazes were not interesting, being way too bold and fat, hiding the purity of form and the pulsating quality of the wet clay. 
For many years I turned to sculpture and thought ceramics too limiting as I felt the glazes stifled the form. 

Then seeing the ancient Raku bowls, the Sung and the Chosun Pots, I realised how mistaken I was! 
I then  tirelssly tryed to make glazes that could generate an emotional response. 
Ceramic surfaces, like fabric are limitless in their appeal.. 
I believe their very nature is somewhat 'mysterious' and can trigger wonder, and emotion.
 I believe pots can hold an 'essence' . 
glaze is like skin- the interface- the point of contact drawing the viewer in, inviting us to touch..

In this case a sensual milkyness, something soft that seems palpable, fluid, tender yet firm. 
The other day I sent a bowl to Taiwan for Stephane from the blog Teamasters.

The glaze was a duck egg white that has hints of blue to it,
 based on my reseach into the ancient White chinese glazes.
 I have been working on this glaze for five years.

I have now made this glaze even softer by calcinating the China clay I use in the glaze.
 I don't think I will change much to it now. Probably my finest glaze!